I opened the box and let you out after all this time, to show God we loved you best and needed you most.
But broke my heart once more in doing so
gouache, graphite and acrylic on watercolour paper
55 x 77cm

(if you'd wondered how he was before this happened maybe I wouldn't dislike your questions now)
despair... and it was and it is
gouache, graphite and acrylic on water-colour paper
55 x 77cm

Do you hold onto me or do I hold onto you
"The patient's wife says he has a heart condition,"
(The patient's wife also has a heart condition.)
gouache, graphite and acrylic on watercolour paper
55 x 77cm

More than once I've wished it was me caught in that net rather than you
gouache, graphite and acrylic on watercolour paper
55 x 77cm

I imagined the moon shining down on you, saving you; so that where your skin was broken you would shine and not bleed-
Maybe if I stay here long enough…
gouache, graphite and acrylic on watercolour paper
55 x 77cm

I am more than my scars; its our scars that make us who we are
gouache, graphite and acrylic on watercoour paper
55 x 77cm

Where were your wings that day?
gouache, graphite and acrylic on watercolour paper
55 x 77cm

I leave to learned fingers and wise hands,
The artist and his ape, to teach and tell
How well his connoisseurship understands
The graceful bend, and the voluptuous swell.
Let these describe the undescribeable.
I would not their vile breath should crisp the stream
Wherein that image shall forever dwell;
The unruffled mirror of the loveliest dream
That ever left the sky on the deep soul to beam
(Lord Byron from Childe Harold’s Pilgrimage)
gouache, graphite and acrylic on watercolour paper
55 x 77cm