Sunday, December 19, 2010

True Self (Group Exhibition with Nexus Modern Art)

You can wait a long time with only reasons to go...
acrylic gouache and pastel on linen
80 x 85cm

Time waits for no one
acrylic gouache and pastel on linen
60 x 85cm

The Vision Splendid

Can indicate an important choice; and the need for caution
acrylic gouache and pastel on linen
110 x 80

Open/highly imaginative mind. Yet suggests vulnerability
acrylic gouache and pastel on linen
110 x 80cm

Forget you not
acrylic gouache and pastel on linen
60 x 85cm

I keep my visions to myself
acrylic, gouache and pastel on linen
90 x 95cm

Can indicate a dominant male influence in the seeker's life
acrylic, gouache and pastel on linen
110 x 80cm

Everyman has learned to fly (or at least has the potential for flight)
acrylic, gouache and pastel on linen
60 x 85cm
Beard the lion (confront a danger; take a risk)
acrylic gouache and pastel on linen
60 x 85cm

The Vision Splendid

Hunter Valley
acrylic gouache and pastel on linen
60 x 85cm

Looking inward: misdirection. Choice

The Lovers

Today all that I have left is to sing

Refers to events being affected by positive hidden influences